With global warning on the rise, our world around us is suffering greatly from its side effects. The planet is warming everywhere from the North to the South pole. Not only is the heat beginning to melt the ice caps and glaciers, precipitation patterns are causing animals to migrate from their natural habitats. Researcher Bill Fraser has tracked the decline of the Adélie penguins on Antarctica, where their numbers have fallen from 32,000 breeding pairs to 11,000 in 30 years. Researchers suspect towards the end of this century that sea levels will rise between 7 and 23 inches and will increase the intensity of hurricanes and other tropical storms.
The purpose of this article it to inform people all over the world that the side effects from global warming are severe and increasing each year. The world we live in now will not be the world we know in less than a century from now. The exigence of this piece is to demonstrate the severity of global warming and as each passing day more and more elements of our world are becoming destroyed. As humans, we can play our role by stopping these occurrences before its to late. This article relates to people of ages, for everyone can make some change in their life style for the benefit of the earth.
The article mainly focuses on the appeal logos. The author of this piece had a full understanding of this problems current situation and where it will be years from now. This article included bulleted facts which made it easily comprehendible.
This article was taken from National Geographic. Nat Geo is a credible news source that focuses on the earth and all of its inhabitants. The author of this piece successfully accomplish his purpose by gathering current facts regarding global warming and formulated a concise article that summed up all of the key points.